Thursday, June 8

Wrong reasons for insurance.

There are a few key points which may be hidden or not highlighted by insurance agents.
suggests you to take note of the following.

1. If you are taking a life insurance policy, just stick exactly to its purpose that is risk cover. Unfortunately we have all been advised to consider it more on its tax benefits, than the risk coverage.

2. Money-back policies will always milk you of higher premiums.

3. Don't play favouritism while taking life insurance. Your main purpose of insuring is to safe guard you and your family against loss. So, strictly say "No", to your friends and realtives who are insurance agents, who continur to pester you.

4. Don't take insurance just for the rebate sake. You will be enticed with huge rebate offers by insurance agents which is illegal.Stay away from such agents.

5. Don't consider your insurance policy as an investment instrument to yield monthly returns. For that purpose explore shares and mutual funds.

If you agree with the above, please take it as your duty to warn your friends and relatives.

Story inspiration: Reader's Digest

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