Sunday, September 17

What is a rip off?

You are ripped off when you pay for a product or service which is much more than its worth.

In such instances you can approach a consumer protection agency and lodge your complaint.

But you must practice caution when you decide to lodge your Rip-Off Report.

When I read about, a worldwide consumer reporting Website & Publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file & document complaints about companies or individuals who ripoff consumers and their fraudulent activities, I was baffled by their unscrupulous intentions.

The Rip Off Report uses the ranking power of their website to rank for companies names and use those rankings to extort money after creating fake complaints against companies.

I was relieved when I came to know through their blog that started coming to the rescue of badly affected parties. They have successfully worked with one company already to push the Rip Off Report ranking back into Google and remove it from the top rankings that are unfairly hurting companies.

If you are one of the victims or if you know of one, I request you to please direct them to to restore the damaged brand image.

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