Monday, June 9

Wikipedia is banned.

Wikipedia is banned by school officials due to inaccuracy of certain information.

At places like these, there are bound to be inaccuracies here and there and wikipedia itself is aware of this due to the nature of the site where anyone can create or alter information.

The Seattle Times has reported that The Great Meadows (N.J.) Middle School librarian hasn't been a fan of the online encyclopedia for years. This fall, she decided it was time to make others at her school aware of the Web site's pitfalls.

She put up a sign saying "Just Say 'No' to Wikipedia" over the computers in the school library.

The errors that were detected:
* A teacher researching Martin Luther King Jr. found white supremacist information in his entry, she said.
* A student researching the Vietnam War found Wikipedia's casualty count far lower than the actual number of people killed in the conflict.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I have wondered about the accuracy of this site. Thanks for the info!


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