Saturday, April 26

Do you know Dov Davidoff?

I have not heard of Dov Davidoff till a few minutes ago. But he is reported to be the hottest search in the Google yesterday by Google Trends.

Dov Davidoff is an American comedian. In addition to performing regularly in clubs and colleges throughout the country, Davidoff has been seen as an actor in the hit movie “Invincible” with Mark Wahlberg, and on any number of TV shows, ..(wikipedia) .

At 7 PM (PDT), Dov peaked the Google hot trends.

Let me see if I can come up something else about Dov Davidoff.

Hey, he is has a website man;
Here is an image of him taken from Google Images.

But I can't find the reason for him to be in hot trends; any idea folks?

My favorite English comedy actors are Peter Sellers, David Niven and Terrance Hill.

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