Internet marketers that use business leads are aware of targeting their ad campaign based on ip. This ip targeting method of reaching a customer is the basis of geo-targeting.
Geo-targeting is the method of determining the physical location of a website visitor and deliver different content to that visitor based his location, such as country, region/state, city, metro code/zip code, organization, ISP or other criteria.
The Knot Inc, leading life event media and services company has implanted this marketing method in its new web site which itself is a unique concept.
It is intended to help every parent in America by providing a chance to give their feedback on bay products. By this way, the website also facilitates them to read the feedback of other parents before they buy baby foods, baby beds, toys and games for babies etc.
In their latest web release, announced the launching of their website with 32,000 listings and over 120,000 reviews from real parents who want to share their advice on baby products, services, and activities in 5,000 neighborhoods across the U.S. from New York to L.A., Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Miami.
When there are so many social networking sites that have no real purpose other than simply chatting or sharing of photos and videos, uses the same platform to provide great value to parents.
New moms and dads and expected moms and dads should immediately visit if they are serious about nurturing their parenting qualities.
Each listing in contains first hand parent ratings and candid commentary with easy-to-find contact information for family-friendly eateries, activities, service providers, and baby gear retailers.
Oh, I almost forgot about the subject line. is equipped with geo-targeting technology that allows moms and dads to find the items they want to buy within a one-mile radius of their driveways.