Sunday, June 17

Have you ever been to Egyptian Beaches?

Egypt-the land of surprising cultures and beliefs is one of the best tourist attraction in the world. Asians especially love to visit Egypt and it's beautiful warm beaches along the Mediterean coast.

More over, Egypt is not costlier when compared to major beach resorts in U.S. such as Florida, Hawaii and the food is more palatable to Asians than the western countries.

There are seven beach zones that are considered as the major attractions:
The Mediterranean beaches along the mainline coast from the Suez Canal over to Libya
The Mediterranean beaches along the northern Sinai
The Sinai coast along the gulf of Aqab
The Sinai coast along the Gulf of Suez
The southern Sinai region which opens onto the Red Sea
The Mainland coast along the Gulf of Suez
The Mainland coast south of that along the Red Sea.

It can be dream come true when you take a cruise in the romantic Nile.

If you want to hop on that boat above, please visit Tour Egypt.
And don't forget to share your experience in your blog.

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